Total Defence 2024

Total Defence 2024 commemorated the 40th Anniversary of Total Defence in Singapore with interesting and engaging activities such as Food Resilience Experience and Drama performance.
We got to experience Ready-To-Eat meals sent by Singapore Food Agency
(SFA) and the taste of the food was something new to me.
Neo Xiao Jun, Vienna (4A)
The food tasted good and I wanted more. It made me realise that
food disruption could be very serious to Singapore and we need to reduce
food wastage.
Gareth Sim (3B)
I learnt that the Singapore government put in a lot of effort to create
Ready-To-Eat meals to get Singapore prepared for any crisis.
Liwaun Nasari Bin Mohammad Noor (3E)
I learnt that we should not waste food and we should be ever ready for
any crisis to happen in Singapore.
Jervis Tay Hong Xin (3A)