Secondary 1 Ziesta 2024

Our secondary one students went through a 4-day programme during Ziesta to help them discover and develop their strengths and areas for growth. On the first day, students went through a profiling workshop to discover their own strengths and areas of growth. Armed with a better understanding of themselves, they set off on 3 days of enriching teambuilding activities.
I have discovered that each of us have unique talents, as well as different
strengths. I found out that my biggest strength can be applied to different
situations which is very helpful.
Naila Erryna (1B)
I discovered that I like working in teams as it made me feel that everyone
has a part to play and no one is left out. During the Amazing Race, we
had a lot of opportunities to show our teamwork as all of the stations
required different types of skill sets. I realised that even if there are
some of us who are not that good at certain tasks, there will still be
others in the team who can help out.
Wong Jenn Yang (1E)
I discovered how to use my strengths to help me in my daily life and how
I can improve them.
Chua Yee Kit (1F)