Chinese New Year 2024

To commemorate ZSS's 25th anniversary this year, we extended invitations to the members of the School Advisory Committee, Parent Support Group, and alumni to join us in celebrating the Lunar New Year at the parade square. The festivities were rich with cultural vibrancy, featuring a captivating concert and a mass 'Lo-hei' session. It's worth noting that the event was a collaborative effort, meticulously planned and executed by leaders from the uniformed groups and the student councillor committee. Their active involvement ensured a memorable and inclusive celebration for the school community.
Working on this event as the crowd management IC has been both enjoyable
yet eye opening. As it was my first time helping to run an event, I have
learnt that crowd management is not as easy as it seems. I had to manage
physical logistics, my own team, while envisioning a perfect yet feasible
sequence of events. I have gained a new-found appreciation for our teachers
and the school, who frequently put in the time and effort to plan and run
events for us. Overall, I am thankful for this new experience and I got
closer to those whom I worked with to put on a good show. I hope for more
of such opportunities to come my way.
Iden Ang (4G)
The CNY celebration was amazing! The lion dance performance exceeded my
expectations and there was a God of Wealth (Cai Shen Ye) giving out candy.
I managed to catch one! It was an even bigger surprise when they announced
that two of the lion dancers were our students. Another activity was the
lantern making competition. Unfortunately, my class did not win but we
tried our best and that was all that matters. After that, the school dancers
performed to an upbeat CNY song. The last segment was the lohei and I wished
for prosperity for the year!
Chua Jia Yin and Tessa Wong Qi En (2A)
The CNY celebration started off with a lantern making competition. All
the beautiful lanterns made by the classes were hung at the back of the
parade square. A captivating lion dance performance followed the competition.
Thereafter, we watched performances by our school’s dance and drums ensemble
CCA. All the performers worked really hard to put up a good show. The finale
was a mass lohei. The celebration went smoothly and it would not have been
possible without the hard work put in by our student leaders and teachers.
Chan Jia En, Alexius & Yong Wei Qian Belia (2A)
Chong Jia En (2E)
Xu Xuanrui (2A)